
中学卒業後、LA のパフォーミング・アーツ・スクール名門(LACHSA)にてダンスを専攻。同時期にゴスペルを学ぶ。

卒業後、日本でデビュー。シンガー、ダンサー、ソングライター、 プロデューサーとして活躍する中、「Story」「ハピネス」をはじめとする 楽曲でミリオンヒットを放ち大ブレイク。


また彼女のシンガーとしての魅力に加え、その愛すべきパーソナリティと共に、その活動の幅は国境を越えて、Snoop Dogg/Jacksons/Chaka Khan/Chris Brown/MJ116等、各国の大物アーティストとのコラボも行っている。

そして 、10月11日(金)23:40よりフジテレビ系にて放送がスタートする完全新作アニメシリーズ『ドラゴンボールDAIMA(ダイマ)』のエンディングテーマ曲「NAKAMA」を手掛けることが決定。
グラミー賞受賞歴を持つ世界的DJ / プロデューサーZedd(ゼッド)とのコラボ曲で、作曲をZedd、AI、作詞をAIが担当。

この先ももっとローカルに、 さらにグローバルに広がるであろう。

AI Information

AI Biography

Japanese R&B star AI moves freely between pop, hip hop and dance, combining American soul with the deep emotion of Japanese ballads. Her international reputation has grown with exciting collaborations with Snoop Dogg, Chris Brown, Jim Jones, Trey Songz, Lloyd, Jeremih, Boyz II Men, KNaan, Judith Hill, Rain, The Jacksons and Chaka Khan.

With her trademark husky voice, she instills soulful undertones into everything from inspirational ballads to upbeat dance numbers. Especially in Japan, her music is known for its strength and substance. Despite the fame she’s achieved, her down-to-earth personality shines during every performance. As AI will tell you, she’ll do anything to get a smile from her fans.

Her music diversity even stretches out to co-producing a single with the legendary producer Scott Storch contains a full message of SDGS actions, which became a theme song to take a part in global action, One Young World Japan”, encouraging and supporting next world leaders globally as an official Japanese ambassador.

Crossing more nations in creating hits and live performances from Asias leading HIP HOP crew MJ116 to a recent collaboration with a Japanese top pop icon Daichi Miura exposed in numbers of terrestrial TV broadcasting, AI actions expand in wider and deeper by featuring a promising rapper/deva Awich, and new hope ¥ellow Bucks making massive feedback on street and digital markets.

Releasing 2023 new single “Respect All” out on May 22nd, AI announced her nationwide [“RESPECT ALL” TOUR] starting from October to the following March 2024.
The tour will bring courage and hope to guide them for better tomorrow, to all people living in this era with uncertainty in their future.

With a strong, soulful sound, Japanese R&B phenomenon AI is poised to take over Japan to the world with her inspiring message of love and happiness.

AI Information

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